c | manuel moncayo

c | manuel moncayo


this useless tool

structured by enrico d wey

November 20 - 22, 2014

Abrons Art Center, New York, NY



this folded flower,


doubled over, and over.


a repetitive clause that serves not much of a purpose

holds a through line

or guiding light

or something of that nature.

an excessively far reach

far fetches, several attempts in a particular direction

funnelling into a particular point


a game of fetch and receive

giving way to a particular amount

attached to nothing more


or simply too much more.


a series of streams splintering out in disparate proportions

(this is a particular stream of thought, a water theme,

rather overplayed)


wading into lakes into rivers into,

channeling into

a stable, staple field


flushed out onto the docks, aye

where some thing lies, aye

crouched in wait,

weight like a paper tiger,

under a sun, white underbelly under

tributaries of veins under,

circulating back,

a point of origin, the sun, the heart,

one of many

folded over, and over.


a happy kitty,

laid out in a bed of questions and

wait for it…wait for it...



unfurled and opened,

exposing the true nature that the true origin is simply a larger expanse,

a blank sheet in creases.


so start over.


(even though we all understand that the notion of fetching does not adhere to the general nature of a cat, when in fact it could really serve a better purpose simply)


laid out in a bed of questions and

wait for it…wait for it...

an excessively far reach

far fetches, several attempts in a particular direction

funnelling into a particular point

where some thing lies, aye


wait like a paper tiger.


set me on fire and i could burn as bright.


attached to nothing more

or simply too much more.



An ongoing research regarding the following: asian american, asian, american, aesthetic, white, neutrality, internalised phobias, yoke, shoulders, masculinity, bukkake, portrayal, girdle, bidgood, narcissus, athletic model guild, stasis, genet...


c | manuel moncayo